Mixing your game with the rest of your marketing

While a great game can go viral and spread by itself, most still require promotional support to direct people to play it. For the best returns, your game should be planned to be part of your ongoing advertising, direct mail, customer relations, social media or online campaigns.

Here are some ideas on how to include games in your campaigns:

  • Make the game the call to action for your ad campaign
  • Provide a game as a competition prize, or as a reward for entering
  • Provide the game as a reward for loyal customers on your database
  • Use the game as the focus of  a social media conversation
  • Involve fans in crowd-sourcing artwork or the design of levels
  • Charge for the game like Burger King did
  • Use games sales to fund raise for a charity
  • Involve artists, musicians or celebrities in making the game and leverage publicity
  • Re-use artwork and sound from TVC campaigns
  • Buy targeted advertising inside existing games
  • Create branded levels or mods for existing popular games