Different ‘platforms’ provide a different experience and context for players. Mobile and iPhones games may be suited to commuting and short plays, downloadable PC games encourage longer plays, console games might be bought out to play with a group of friends.
Our network of developers can create games on many modern platforms:
- PC and Mac downloadable games
- online Flash games
- other web games
- iPhone (and iPod Touch and iPad)
- Mobile phones (eg, Nokia Symbian phones)
- Google Android phones
- XBox
- Sony PS3
- Nintendo Wii
- Text-message based games
- Interactive installations
While different platforms reach different size audiences, there can be trade-offs in quality. While Flash games can be played by oneone with a web browser, the games are typically simpler than what is possible with a downloadable game.
Often development can be started on one target platform and then ‘ported’ to others to broaden your audience reach. Some platforms are more expensive and time-consuming to develop for than others (eg, you need an official developers kit for Wii or PS3 games).